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113 Palace Lane, Suite J Williamsburg, Virginia 23185
What's Coming Up
Wednesday Nights
ADULTS | YOUTH | KIDS: Wednesday nights are dedicated to coming together for an amazing time of discussion and faith-building. We break into adult, youth, and kids groups to study the word of God and fellowship together.
Small groups start at 6:30pm and end by 8pm.
Women's Groups
Our women meet weekly on Thursday evenings at 7pm and also on Friday mornings at 10am. If you'd like to get connected with us and join, email for details. Once a month you'll find we will have a special women's event, such as a Saturday morning brunch, a worship time, or a fun event.
Men's Groups
Saturday mornings at 8am at the church building and alternate Tuesday mornings at 7am, the men of Living Hope gather together to go deeper into the Word of God. Email for more details or to get connected. Every 6-8 weeks the men get together for a movie night or other activities.
Adult Bible Study
Every Sunday morning at 9am a group gathers together in the classroom at the church to dive deeper into the Word of God. All are welcome to join!
Outreach: Hope Chest
Hope Chest is a community-based clothing outreach program that provides free clothing, shoes, and accessories to anyone in need, with no questions asked about financial status or income. The program hosts bi-yearly giveaways where gently used and new items are offered to individuals and families, ensuring accessibility for all. Donations of clothing, shoes, and accessories are accepted year-round at the local church, allowing for a continuous supply of items to be distributed to those who need them. The initiative fosters a spirit of generosity and inclusivity, offering support without judgment or barriers. Email if you'd like to schedule a time to pick up clothing or drop off a donation.