Bread and Circus

Bread and Circus Part 4

Pastor Bill FrancavillaOctober 27, 2024Welcome to Living Hope Church! In today’s sermon, Pastor Bill Francavilla explores the perfection of God and the flawed nature of humanity. We continue to reflect on the ancient concept of "bread and circuses," highlighting how society often seeks distraction instead of addressing deeper issues. Through historical examples of failed utopian societies, we illustrate that true paradise cannot be achieved by human effort alone. Scripture reveals that all have sinned, yet through faith in Jesus, we find redemption and the promise of a perfect future. The message reminds us that while our world is imperfect, our hope lies in God’s grace and His ultimate plan for a new Heaven and Earth. Join us as we seek to understand our role as believers in a broken culture and the importance of following God’s path to true fulfillment.

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